1) I signed up for the Berlin half marathon on April 1 and joined a training group. The group meets once a week and combines running (duh!) with a bit of sightseeing (huh?). The first day we ran past the Holocaust memorial, Brandenburger Tor, Reichstag, Bundestag, and did some interval training along the Spree river. The second week we ran around Potsdamer Platz and through its large (for Berlin standards) subway station, getting some looks along the way, and then along the Strasse des 17. Juni back and forth to the Siegessäule (Victory Column). It's also been a great way to meet some real live Germans in this real live German capital. Unbelievable how many expats are running around this city and how much English I'm speaking.
2) I planned not one but TWO very exciting mini-trips. The first, in March, will be to Istanbul with my sister Julia and our good friend Jonathan who will be flying to Berlin for Spring Break, or as Jonathan calls it, Sophia Break 2012. Those who know me know that Istanbul has been on my list for many years now and I. am. excited. The second trip is to Krakow with my friend Sophie in April. Just a couple of half-Jews spending Easter in Poland. Thankfully, we head out before Easter Monday when apparently tradition is such that young women get doused in water on the street. Seriously.
3) I decided to get active. Like in the meeting-people-doing-things department. So I joined a language tandem partner website (can you believe how much work I have to go through to speak German in Germany?) and a volunteering website where I hope to sign up for an after-school project working with migrant or refugee kids. Volunteering is actually a whole other ball-game in Germany than in the US and probably deserves its own post. For one, it's called ehrenamtliche Arbeit which translates to "working in a honorary capacity." When I sent a message about the position, the response I got was, "wow, we would love to have such competent help for something like an after-school project." From what I've heard, it is not as common for young people here to engage in volunteer work as in the States. Maybe because of the welfare state structure? Maybe because they're not as worried about boosting up their CVs? Whatever it is, I welcome the ego boost! And just in case it's not obvious, the opportunity to help those in need. :)
4) After weeks of going through withdrawal, I went to karaoke. And damn, did it feel good. So good, in fact, that it seems my face left my body for a minute there.
Du hast Schwung in die Bude gebracht!
1/2 Maratón! Increíble! Debemos correr juntas una carrera.
Well, the whole issue of the volunteer work doesn't surprise me at all. While part of it is certainlz fueled by a lack of CV padding, there's also something deeper as to why it's not viewed as being necessary. From what I've learned/heard/observed since moving here to Germany is that, since taxes are so high, the average citizen expects the government to make donations and take care of the less privileged on their behalf. As a result, there's a removal of a sense of civil responsibility and community building when compared with the USA. If you look at statistics, not only the volume of charitable donations (it's more difficult than tracking volunteer hours) is lower not only in absolute terms when comparing Germany to the USA but also in terms of average hours per citizen (to quote Wikipedia, citation required).
So sad that we can't run with you! Up for another half on April 22nd in Bonn? For a half marathon, you only need one week's recovery time, so you should have more than enough! hehe!
@Pris- Hahaha then I guess I'm not a real half-marathoner... two in one month seems like trouble. What we need is fun trouble in the form of a real PJS reunion.
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