Monday, November 14, 2011

Pris comes to town!

This weekend, my good friend Priscilla and her boyfriend Micha came to Berlin from Düsseldorf to spend a few days with me. Pris and I have been friends since we met in a summer study abroad program in Tübingen, Germany over 7 years ago. Jess, du hast uns gefehlt!

Here we are being silly back in 2004:

Here we are, no more silliness, in 2011:

Just kidding! We are still silly:

The two days were filled with sightseeing, delicious Turkish food, cocktails, laughing, public transport, the "Sophia game" (otherwise known as "Celebrity"), brunch, free Sachertorte, views, small smoky bars, and more public transport. The whole time they had to listen to me gush about the city (what can I say, we're still in our honeymoon phase, Berlin and I) but they handled it pretty well and were fantastic sightseeing partners-in-crime. Stay tuned for a story about our new friend, Jonny, and his old friend, Charlie. In the meantime, here are a few pictures:


Ann Finkelstein said...

Looks like tons of fun.

Priscilla said...

such a good time! Now it's your turn to come and visit!

Jessica said...

Pfffffffff! Both in Europe and me in Asia! There is something wrong about it! Na ja, nächstes Mal werden wir uns besser koordienieren, hofentlich! Pleins de becs depuis un endroit ou il fait chaud et bon vivre! Me réjouis de lire la suite!!!