Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Unerledigtes Geschäft

I've been talking to a few of my fellow expats about life in Berlin lately. Our struggles, our hopes, and everything in between. It's interesting, and sometimes infuriating, to be in this point of our lives where everything can change so drastically from one day to the next. One day we are sure we're staying, the next we're reconsidering everything. Not many of us really plan to be here permanently but we're not ready to leave either. At the same time, we're not sure how long we can stick it out without "real" jobs, without our families and friends back home, and without what feels like real life in many ways.

I'm not truly an expat, since I'm a German citizen, and I did just arrive in November, so in my case it's a bit too early for this discussion in any serious way. But as I anxiously await news from my biggest job prospect in Berlin, I can't deny that the thought lingers in the back of my mind.

My instinct, however, is that Berlin and I still have some unfinished business.


Ann Finkelstein said...

My fingers are crossed that you'll find the perfect job soon.

Kate Cottrell said...

Hang in there chica! Even with a "real" job, I share some of the same will work out...I just know it!

Sophia said...

Thank you both!