Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sad Schland and their Soccer

Spotted morning after the loss to Italy
When Germany lost to Italy in the Euro Cup Halbfinale a few weeks ago, one of my American friends who hates soccer sneered, "Well good, let someone else in Europe win at something for once." I'll admit a teensy (teensy!) part of me wanted Greece to beat Germany in an earlier game, but I love Germany during soccer tournaments, and honestly, I think they deserve any and all soccer success and more importantly, all the excitement that goes along with it.

Not all German snacks are American
Here's why. Germany has a dark, horrid, and painful history, and as a result, is very averse to signs of patriotism. Insert requisite comment about them deserving it entirely. Soccer is the one safe outlet Germans have to put up flags, eat patriotic snacks, and cheer for their fellow countrymen- what Americans do every freaking day.  So yeah, it warms my heart to see cars with those red, black, and gold covered rear-view mirrors and baby flags and people wearing jerseys and screaming "Schland!" and "Schweinsteiger!" Oh wait, that last part was just Daniel.

This is about as intense as it gets
Watching the game from a Thai restaurant
Another thing I like is that game viewing is such a public affair here. In the US, sports viewing seems somewhat private. Especially big games like the Superbowl, which people tend to exclusively watch at home with friends and family.  (I'm sure public drinking laws play a large role here.) The Euro Cup in Germany was like an extended outdoor party. Berlin's immense amount of bars and restaurants with outdoor seating were packed with people for every game. Not to mention the "Fan Mile" by the Brandenburg Gate.

Euro Cup eggs
"Fan Mile" for public viewing
But man, even after a goal (and lots of beer) the cheering is pretty subdued compared to American standards. So I ask you to let the Germans have their soccer. They need it.


Anonymous said...

Any day you can hear a crowd yelling "Pig Mounter," roughly translated, is a good day. Also, Italy is brazenly involved in match-fixing scandals, Greece almost sunk Europe into the ocean, and Spain has won the last three major tournaments which hasn't happened in... ever. So yes, Germany deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Soeffgen, I like the way you look at this complex subject of which I also are a victim.
But I am over it. I like Germany to win because this are the only games I watch. I hated them to loose, because the end game became therefor much less interesting. Would have been fun to watch the german team win. I can assure you, my house would have been full of noise. OPA

Kate Cottrell said...

This was super interesting. Thanks Sophia.